AABMGS members can use Premium Breed to view pedigrees for miniature sheep and goats registered with AABMGS.
The database is for viewing only. Members are asked not to enter any registration or transfer information into Premium Breed. All registrations and transfers must be done using the
online or PDF forms provided on the AABMGS website in accordance with AABMGS policies.
To view pedigrees in Premium Breed:
- Go to Premium Breed, click Login (top right hand corner) and login using the details sent to you when you joined.
- AABMGS does not use the new Premium Breed program that you see when you first login
- Click Log in to old Premium Breed (next to Animals)
- You should see a screen with lots of green boxes and information about your registered animals that you can browse to check details
- Please remember do not add registrations or transfers here.
premium_breed_access.pdf _- How to set up login